
Al Khaadem / Schedules

Community Enrichment Programmes

Our free programmes are open for all.

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Fiqh Al-Asma Al-Husna

Instructor: Ustaz Adli Mohd Saad (Director of Islamic Affairs, Al Khaadem)

Conducted in Bahasa Malaysia.

Based on the book ‘Fiqh Al-Asma’ Al-Husna’ (lit. Understanding the Beautiful Names of Allah) written by Sheikh Abderrazzaq Al-Abbad al-Badr.

This class deals with the topics about the jurisprudence behind the beautiful names of Allah as according to the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah – dissecting the glorious names of Allah found in the Qur’an and authentic Sunnah, to know Allah as how He intends, and how knowing Allah will bring us closer to Him.



Jami’ As-Sahihain

Instructor: Ustaz Adli Mohd Saad (Director of Islamic Affairs, Al Khaadem)

Conducted in Bahasa Malaysia.

Based on the book ‘Jami’ As-Sahihain’ (lit. Collection of The Authentic Sunnah) written by Dr. Walid bin Abdir Rahman Al-Hamdan. It is a summarisation of the two most significant books in the world of the Hadith (Sahih Al-Bukhari & Sahih Muslim), collected and combined into one.

This class deals with the exegesis of the authentic Hadith from both books – by learning the religion of Islam the way our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ intended us.


Don’t Be Sad

Instructor: Dato’ Sheikh Hussain Yee (President, Al Khaadem)

Conducted in English.

Based on the book ‘La Tahzan’ (lit. Don’t Be Sad) written by Dr. Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni.

This enrichment programme gives practical advise on how to replace sadness with a pragmatic and ultimately satisfying Islamic outlook on life. It exposes to the modern Muslim on how Islam teaches us to deal with the worldly tests and tribulations, and how to take heart and hold firmly onto the rope of Allah.


50 Principles Extracted From the Qur’an About The Soul & Life

Instructor: Ustaz Adli Mohd Saad (Director of Islamic Affairs, Al Khaadem)

Conducted in English.

Based on the book ‘Qā’idah Qurāniyyah Fī Al-Nafs Wal-Hayāh’ (lit. 50 Principles From The Qur’an About the Soul and Life) written by Dr. ‘Umar bin ‘Abdillah Al-Muqbil.

This class deals with the 50 principles from the Qur’an, extracted by the author of the book, in which that pertains to purifies our soul and its relevance in our daily lives.


Fiqh Doa & Zikir

Instructor: Ustaz Adli Mohd Saad (Director of Islamic Affairs, Al Khaadem)

Conducted in Bahasa Malaysia.

Based on the book ‘Fiqh Doa & Zikir’ (lit. Understanding Supplications and Remembrance) written by Dr. Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni.

This class touches upon the proper etiquette to make supplication, and the understanding of the remembrance of Allah.


New Muslims Community Enrichment Programme

Instructor: Dato’ Sheikh Hussain Yee (President, Al Khaadem) & Ustaz Shareef El-Arbi

Conducted in English

Conducted in two levels – Level 1 conducted by Ustaz Shareef El-Arbi, and Level 2 conducted by Dato’ Sheikh Hussain Yee.

Our Level 1 programme is based on the New Muslims Guide book written by Fahad Salim Ba Hammam. This programme covers the fundamentals of the Deen.

Our Level 2 programme addresses commonly asked questions from our new Muslims community.


The Fragile Vessels

Instructor: Dato’ Sheikh Hussain Yee (President, Al Khaadem)

Conducted in English

Based on the book ‘The Fragile Vessels’ written by Sheikh Muhammad Al-Jibaly.

This programme serves to educate both prospective spouses and married couples who are keen to enrich their married life and household. The book this programme is based on provides guidance and advise on the roles and responsibilities of the husband and wife in a household from an Islamic perspective, and takes numerous examples from the stories of the people from the best generation.