coding Tag

Alhamdulillah! Di atas permintaan hangat oleh orang ramai, kelas pengajian Hadith Adab untuk Kanak-Kanak telah dibuka bagi slot Jumaat. InshaAllah akan bermula pada 10 September 2021. Tujuan kelas pengajian ini diadakan adalah bagi memupuk masyarakat agar menjadikan Rasulullah S.A.W sebagai suri tauladan dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian kita bermula dari awal usia. Objektif Kelas Pengajian Hadith Adab: 1....

Python is one of the languages that is witnessing incredible growth and popularity year by year. In 2017, Stackoverflow calculated that python would beat all other programming languages by 2020 as it has become the fastest-growing programming language in the world. Python is the most popular programming language in the world today. Many industrial applications...

The Artificial Intelligence for Everyone workshop provides introductory knowledge on understanding Artificial Intelligence. No prior knowledge is required for this course as the workshop is curated to introduce AI in a fun and interactive way for all ages (12 years & above) and for people from all walks of life. In this workshop, participants will learn...