Perfecting My Fatihah

Perfecting My Fatihah is a half-day course that helps you improve your recitation of Al-Fatihah. You’ll learn how to pronounce the words clearly, follow the rules of Tajwid, and recite with confidence.

About PMF


Perfecting My Fatihah is a half-day course that helps you improve your recitation of Al-Fatihah. You’ll learn how to pronounce the words clearly, follow the rules of Tajwid, and recite with confidence.

The course will guide you step by step through correct pronunciation, rhythm, and emphasis. With hands-on practice and personalised feedback, you’ll gain the skills to recite Al-Fatihah accurately in your daily prayers.

What You’ll Learn

Course Instructor

Ustaz Mohammad Dzaki bin Rosman

Senior Lecturer & Islamic Studies Specialist

Sponsor an International Participant

With the help of technology, Perfecting My Solah is now online and has received participation from various international Islamic communities. Unfortunately however, those living in different time zones are usually unable to join together with us for the whole day. Therefore, we’ve partnered up with other international Islamic organisations to host special courses for people in their countries to better suit their time zones. This will require our team to be working during odd hours. Furthermore, some of our brothers and sisters out there are not able to afford this course. But that’s where you come in!

Help sponsor funds for Online International Perfecting My Solah Courses and be the reason someone out there learns about the beauty of prayer. Let it be a sadaqah jariah for you that lives on through the participants you’ve helped us teach.

Course Outline

  • Lahn Jali
  • Huruf Hijaiyyah
  • Tafkheem dan Tarqeeq
  • Makhraj Huruf
  • Bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah ayat demi ayat
  • Mengenalpasti kesalahan yang biasa dilakukan
  • Nun Sakinah dan Tanwin
  • Qalqalah
  • Pembahagian Madd
  • Tanda-tanda Waqaf
  • Membaca Al-Fatihah 1-to-1 dengan fasilitator yang terlatih

Meet Your Instructor

Ustaz Mohammad Dzaki bin Rosman

Senior Lecturer & Islamic Studies Specialist

Ustaz Mohammad Dzaki bin Rosman merupakan graduan lulusan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia di Gombak, Selangor yang telah diberi tauliah mengajar Al-Quran oleh JAIS. Beliau merupakan seorang warganegara Malaysia yang telah bersama Al Khaadem sejak lebih 10 tahun yang lalu.

Ustaz Dzaki mempunyai pengalaman belajar Al-Qur’an secara talaqqi dibawah bimbingan Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Arnaout dan telah memperoleh ijazah untuk mengajar bacaan Al-Qur’an dari gurunya. Setelah memperoleh ijazah mengajar, Ustaz Dzaki bekerja sebagai guru bacaan Al-Quran secara sambilan, dan beliau telah mengajar dari tahun 2015 dan sekarang merupakan guru tajwid sepenuh masa di Al Khaadem.

Media Center


Perfecting My Fatihah

Perfecting My Fatihah is a half-day course that helps you improve your recitation of Al-Fatihah. You’ll learn how to pronounce the words clearly, follow the rules of Tajwid, and recite with confidence.

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